"Physiology and Psychology cover, between them, the field of vital phenomena; they deal with the facts of life at large, and in particular with the facts of human life"
Wilhelm Wundt

Sunday, 26 July 2015

The book that completely changed my way of thinking

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the placebo joe dispenza"There comes a time when something unexpected occurs, and these unexpected occurrences can manifest some pretty amazing results. It all started about a month ago when I decided to have a browse in an Oxfam charity book shop (a nice cheap alternative to the modern day book giant, Waterstones), my venture into its misty shelves usually begins by choosing a genre or theme, picking a book, and then sporadically picking another contrasting theme. This way I get a nice variety of books to read. Once I had chosen my material and went to the checkout, a book in a small academia section caught my eye, blue and white in colouring and particularly thick in width, this intrigued me, causing me to have a closer look. At first I assumed that it was going to be some outdated compulsory textbook donated from an educational institution. However I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it was called “The Placebo” by a gentleman named Dr Joe Dispenza. So I decided to go out on a limb and buy it to fulfill my curiosity – for £3.99 I could not have gone wrong. Little did I know that this book was going to completely alter the way I think on a day to day basis…

The book contains so much information that it would be too time consuming to reiterate it through this blog, however anyone with an academic curiosity and an open mind I highly suggest you buy this book. It can be purchased on Amazon for under £10, which trust me when I say is a worthwhile investment. 

The book comes from the perspective of the author who guides the reader through an extraordinary insight into the brain’s far reaching capabilities. Dr Dispenza was motivated by an accident that he was involved in when he was hit by a car while participating in a triathlon. The accident caused much internal and external damage, severely compromising his spine causing a serious reduction in mobility. Doctors advised him to have an operation for the “possibility” of a potential recovery, although even if it had worked it was not guaranteed to restore his previous quality of life. Being presented with this news Dr Dispenza was understandably devastated but in light of everything refused the operation. Instead he decided to practice meditation, which caused for him to enter a state of consciousness that made contact with the autonomic nervous system (which is in charge of everything that we have no control over such as breathing, digestion, healing etc.). Now it is fair to say that this skill did not immediately manifest itself, it took him a very long time to enter a stage of meditation where the external environment is blocked out and your sensory perceptions are heightened, causing your perception to be nothing but a mere entity. After much time and effort he finally succeeded and within a year after the accident he had healed his body to the point where he had almost all functionality and mobility again, even after the doctors told him he would be disabled for the rest of his life!

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I understand that such a thing can be quite difficult to believe (which is exactly how I felt when I began to read it), however perseverance paid off because there are many more incredible stories of people tapping into their brains being taught the same methods, all of which are backed up with savvy scientific evidence. The author’s explanations are so clear and concise and easily understood for both the scientist and lay man, and I can honestly not give this man enough credit for the work put into this book, he opens your eyes to the power of the mind… he illustrates the power the placebo can truly have on the mind.

Once I finished reading I found myself wondering why on earth this kind of information is not in the mainstream; why it’s not taught in schools, doctors, practices, clinics etc. I feel like this kind of book should be in every household, because if it was the world would be a much nicer place to live in. But unfortunately due to the amount of profit made by the government and pharmaceutical companies – always ready to pump the public with as many drugs as possible, information like this will always have to be specifically sought after.
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Like I mentioned before, I am nowhere near giving this book the justice it deserves. However if you have made it to the end of this blog post then I plead you to order the book; it could potentially be one of the best things you could do…